We should learn to ridicule the hatred of some and gain inspiration from it.
Alongside the Roma people, Islam and Muslims share the honour of being the current scapegoats for Europe’s economic problems and diminishing world status. The aberrations of the never-ending debates around the veil in France triggered the idea of subversive actions, spectacles that we filmed in Paris last August. By pushing the dominant logic to its extreme, we have tried to imagine an alternative perspective using one of the most famous music tracks in the world to breathe life into those consigned to the invisible and the inanimate.
Burqa in Paris
10 janvier 2011
This show was shot in Paris in the run up to the law publicly banning the niqab / burqa in France, to ridicule the public hysteria around the issue. We are fully supportive of all muslim sisters who as the result of the controversy are experiencing bullying and insults on a daily basis.
Red Rag Productions is an independent film production company based in London. Red Rag is dedicated to making high quality documentaries and films on a range of controversial and contemporary issues, in particular those affecting minorities in European societies.